107. butterflies - yellow, orange, black, purple/blue/black
108. wild onions under foot
109. woodpecker rhythm
110. Grandma's tea cups
Feed your body:
Salad ideas for lunch.
Lentil salad (a complete lunch with protein, and it's good!)
Cook up your lentils. 1 cup dry lentils in about 3 cups of water for about 20 minutes, until tender. Drain. Let cool.
To cool lentils add olive oil, chopped purple onion, chopped tomatoes. Drizzle with red wine vinegar to taste, add salt and pepper. Chill, you and the lentils. Serve by the scoop over a bed of lettuce.
Chicks love Apple
Leftover chicken. I know, it's hard to have leftover chicken, you just have to plan. When your teen makes a grab for that last piece of chicken, growl at him.
Remove meat from the bone.
Chop up an apple.
To a bed of lettuce add the chicken meat, chopped apple, raisins if you like them. Dress with your favorite dressing, top with salt and pepper, or not. Top with nuts, or not. See how flexible I am?
Feed your brain:
The PBS series on the Amish consists of 6 YouTube videos, each about 10 minutes long. It is really good. I've always joked that I was meant to be Amish, without really knowing what I was talking about. The family shown in these videos was inspiring to me. You have to watch all 6 to see how God has really worked in their lives. It's beautiful.
Art time:
Paint with your toes. Get big paper, or open up a cereal box all the way or other cardboard box. Your kids will love this, so will you. Do this outside near a hose, or in the bathroom for easy clean up. Use washable paints, uh duh.
Free typing lessons online - especially for the kiddos:
111. time to do things at a leisurely pace
Time is a gift I must allow my boys to devour at will as they apply themselves to a task, be it math, legos, puzzles, or getting that photo just right.
Delicious, savory time, time well spent, invested time. Chopped to bits in the traditional classroom time.
This weekend we took a Sunday drive on Saturday. For dinner we found a funky outdoor cafe. Here are some pics my boys took. I love how they are experimenting with space and color.
Enjoy your day!
I'm loving your blog, you are so creative with your words, quippey (is that a word) I'm so inspired and looking forward to mmy own blogging journey, thanks for starting this blogging revolution!