Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Homeschool revelations

53. boys eager to plan and embark on a day of learning

Wake up, stretch, shed the nightmare of teaching regrets.  Lord let my years of struggle to feed the machine not have ruined your kids for this world.  Forgive my misguidance, shoving them down the path to materialism, far from you; their lives a contradiction between what we tell them on Sundays and what they get the rest of the week. 

He directs my path in all things.  Oh the epiphanies leaping from pages to shake my constructions, tear them down!  Didn't I always suspect this?  Learning should be fun!  We are children of our Creator, made to create in order to glorify Him.  Each one of us pre-programmed to learn; first by observing, then mimicking, next experimentation, then play with numbers and letters, create music, writing.  It's all so natural, not at all what schools would have us believe.

As I push from this cage and try my wings, I see that my kids already have wings.  What a thought!  Me born with wings then pushed, crammed, broken to fit into a cocoon, backwards decline.  My kids already get it, let me not take it from them.

Education issues raise ire amongst mothers like few other topics, except maybe natural childbirth.  We each defend our choices, framing our perceptions of outcome to support the picture.  I have boys in public schools and at home; my goal is to get each of them home.  I have a teaching degree and have been in the public school classroom as teacher and parent volunteer.  I can't list one benefit regarding the public school for my kids.  The only reason some of my kids are not at home is my fear of failure.  Five boys, one severely hearing impaired, language delays, stubborn imps; three I know I can school, but the other two?  Well that would take a miracle.  And right there is where God likes to step up to bat, He's a big God, and loves to come help when I finally reach the point of realizing I need Him.  I think that should be tatooed on Man's forhead; I'm sure I would be much better at remembering that nugget if it was before me all the time. 

So do I wait another year to bring them home?  Damage control in place I take up eraser and simply remove ugly bully marks, misinformation, conflicting values.  "Work together!"  "You're cheating!" but I thought you said work together?  Don't get too creative or smart because there's only a little room at the top.  Mediocrity is the key, let's bulk up the middle, dumb down the top, leave the bottom behind! 

54. water balloon fights on the trampoline
55. doves calling
56. cumulous clouds

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