Homeschool Help

This page is dedicated to ideas for homeschooling/unschooling your children.  These are resources I have used or currently use.  Let me know if you have any questions; I'd love to help you.  These resources are all FREE!
Near the top of the page click on the elementary, intermediate or high school button.  Endless supply of help and ideas!  If you ever get through all of it, let me know.
Can you guess what this site has?  I love it for spelling.  Get a free login, go to list management, create your spelling lists.  It will provide sentences, vocab definitions, games, and quizzes if you like.
Feed hungry people while you learn vocabulary.  It even has Spanish!  Lots of fun, especially for older kids and parents.
I love the BBC Dance Mat Typing and Number Time.  Great tool for teaching typing to any age.
Let your kid teach him/herself to read.  (well almost!)
Click on motivating families and then free stuff.   Be sure to scroll all the way down, Ann has offered her book for free download and it is a complete curriculum guide.
PBS has many good videos you can watch online.
Nature study help.
Another free curriculum, based on Charlotte Mason.
We use youtube a lot.  We also have safe eyes which blocks all the bad stuff - you need that on your computer to keep your kids safe.  Poetry readings on youtube are really good.  The PBS series on the Amish is on youtube; it is worth the watch.
Puzzle ideas that can be used with any tangram puzzle set.
Where we go for current news and issues.  Many excellent videos.  I especially like their program called Witness.
Ann Volskamp has a page dedicated to her homeschool ideas, it is called "How to feed a brain every day".   We use many of her links.