Monday, March 14, 2011

Family moments

Tender One finds a dandelion, the first of the year! he declares.  He gives it to me.  Dandelion induced joy.  I had forgotten my love of dandelions.  Normal people, with too much time, pull them or poison this lovely flower; herbal remedies in each part.  I cultivate them, and laugh at my 5 boys blowing seeds.  Neighbors line us up in crosshairs. 

42. dandelions
80 degrees today!  Glory gift wrapped in yellow beaming down sun, soft.

Back home Man walks in the door.  I love it when Man walks in.  I try something new.  "Let's go to that spot on the river, the San Gabriel.  We can sit, the  boys can play in the water."  He's hesitant, feet hurt, long day, "okay", or maybe he never did say okay...I just assumed and told the boys to load up and he's sucked into the eagerness and out the door we go.  Boys, five boys in swim trunks and goggles, in February. 

43.  drawings scattered by a child throughout my journal, handiwork of Tender One

Numer One discovers a cache of shale, dry clean layers, nuggets of gold.  He discovers that if he pulverizes it and adds water he can paint his brothers.  Four painted boys, one clean one.  "He's a pusher" Man dryly observes. 
Gifted wears his clay pack as a shield, dry over chest and tummy, finds a branch sword and looks for a fight.  In clay relief bends and turns, exoskeleton cracks, falling away to reveal rich chocolate center.
Spunk becomes expert rock skipper.
Tender applies himself to the pursuit of fools gold.
Yo copies his brothers, not yet bold to try something new.  It might be the wrong something. 
Vultures circle.  3/4 moon comes up, time for dinner.

Passing Landfill Rd. "What'll they name it when the dump is full?"  "Filled In Rd."  Man laughs and laughs.

44. making my Man laugh, one of my greatest, most satisfying pleasures
45. boys making Man laugh:

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