Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Keep it slow

What is the cost of hurry?  Is there gain?
I have slowed down these past few years, due to age or wisdom I certainly don't know, but it is a good thing.  I don't hurry on the road, I try very hard not to hurry my boys.

Reminding myself of God's timing; what He keeps me from and saves me for.  In His rhythm my timing is perfection, not offbeat tuba or annoying piccolo out of time and place. 

131-133. time to play and get dirty, climb trees, and build slime forts

There are moments of hurry, but I work to reduce even those.   Usually Gifted is last, always lagging.  I have been trying to go slower than him.  "Don't be last, aim for first!"  Is there damage in those words? The frustration behind them is certainly not kind.  By placing myself last, he's a step ahead.  Man noticed the change, "seems to me you're last these days."  "Mmmm", I don't explain my new tactic.  I struggle to find ways to help Gifted; and have to acknowledge that nothing may work. 

Will our family fall into orbit around him or will he forever be catching up?

This eldest son, just turned 13, is the most childish of our 5.  I vacilate between urging him to grow up, act his 13 years, or leaving him be.  I worry that T left alone will stay like this forever, despite his changing body.  His disobedience is sly; he studied well the orphanage skills of survival.  Using his hearing loss as excuse, again and again, "it's too hard!" is his lament.  He is unmotivated.  His habits are fairly fixed. 

I try to inspire him, share with him, engage him, but he remains unknown to me.  How do we build a relationship with a teenage boy who has little communication and says it's all too hard? 

His vocabulary is limited.  He never learned to hear, what to listen to, what to ignore; how to ask a question, how to answer a question.  Now with hearing aids these past 16 months, the growth seems to measure so small on the chart I create in my mind, a chart of comparison. 

I pray for guidance.  God put him here, in Him is the help we need.  I see that I can't go wrong in pursuing Gifted, I can't imagine regret down that road.  But if I let it go, give up, I will leave valleys that only regret can fill. 

Man mumbles in his mustache, brothers get frustrated at repeating themselves again and again, school mates can't connect.  He doesn't want to learn sign.  It comes to me; poor substitute for an architect, but I will attempt to design a bridge to this son.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ideas for your week

We have been watching Little House on the Prairie, rented from the library.  The boys love this show, I even like it.  I didn't watch it at home when I was a kid, I think I probably saw it at other homes a few times, but that's about all I recall. 

The series is a great way to introduce a variety of topics to your kids.  The history of the US is the obvious biggy.  The history of cars, of public schools, schools for the blind, homesteading.  The history of fashion might be just the interesting topic your kiddos need to learn about years past.  The 5th season deals with racial topics.  Family dynamics, love that Nellie girl!

There are some great sites to help with learning about the Little House books, series and author.


The above site has a very good timeline.  My boys calculated how old Laura was at different points in history, like how old was she when Coke was invented?

127. the internet, just the good stuff, thank you
128. tree reflections in glass
129. the freedom of having a car
130. basset hound ears

Kitchen math:

Make a list of items for your child to find in the kitchen.  Then have your child write down or collect the items that match the description you give.  For example:
2 lbs (find an item that weighs 2 lbs)
15g sugar (find an item with 15g of sugar)

How can you estimate the weight of this apple?  (They need to find an item with the weight listed that is close in weight to the apple, be sure they balance the items with each hand, things usually feel heavier in one hand than the other.)

Set out a bowl of dried peas or lentils or rice, along with measuring cups and spoons.  Have them calculate how many tablespoons in 1 cup? how many 1/3cups in 2 cups? you get the idea. 

Feed your stomach.

Taco Salad
To a plate of tortilla chips add:
chopped lettuce
black beans (or whatever your favorite bean is)
Top it all with salsa.  It's easy, healthy, low in the bad stuff, and yummy!

Go outside with your kids today.  Don't be like Kanga.

"I think not today, dear. Another day."
"Tomorrow?" said Roo hopefully.
"We'll see," said Kanga
"You're always seeing, and nothing ever happens," said Roo sadly.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Growing things

121. a really good orange
122. crisp sweet fuji apples
123. cinnamon toast smell
124. a seed, filled with promise

Seeds, seeds to sow daily.  My fields are 5, five in a row boys. 

Each seed has its own body (1Cor. 15:37).  The seed that's planted won't look the same at harvest time.  An apple seed has the code for an apple tree written in it.  God gives me seeds to sow, seeds of time, friendship, knowledge, money.  What comes out won't look much like what I put in.  There's mystery at work there. 

Texas kicks off spring with a wildflower party.  They pop up everywhere, seeds planted by birds, shoes, animals.  I won't let Man mow our backyard because there are so many things coming up that clearly aren't grass; they might be flowers! 

Free beauty from a seed dropped in a bird turd.  That is a wonderful turn of events.  Such a switch from pooh on the windshield, no gift at all. 

125. purple iris found on a day when we were lost and I was getting grumpy
126. little corn, big plans

If I had the power of my words today, what would my day look like?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Marriage math

118. the patience of my Man
119. even as I droop and turn to gray, my Man has eyes for me

This is marriage 2 for me; 1+1=2.  The first of the equation sprung from a heated college relationship, lasting 7+3 years; none of them very good.  

The subtraction started soon after the marriage, then accelerated to division, until I was so small that I could not see my way out .  By the time he left me I was almost to zerooooo.

Pictures on the wall of his girlfriend, others living in his wallet, frequent reminders of where I fit on his priority list, bringing up the end, almost at zero.  Ugly grew in me; over time rage ruled.  Subtraction has greatly reduced these two.  Thank God.

Some of my previous computations surface on occasion; usually self inflicted, exaggerations, minor subtraction imagined as division.  Man stands sturdy, undivided, adding himself to me; showing without having to say it, that our sum is greater than the parts. 

120. the miracle meeting of Man and me

If I write of our meeting I will see it and be grateful again.  July, 12+ years past.  Co-workers planning a cruise, trip to the Bahamas.  Should I like to come?  Not quite friends but more than acquaintances.  But then, wise woman, brings to work a stack of magazines.

The Good News is being preached in Tulsa, OK.  Is it possible the Good News there will be better than the Good News in Kirkland, WA?  The Baptist Church news of "you can never remarry", to God you are still married to that division math wizard.  "Unless he hit you, did he hit you?" Not in the literal sense, no.  "Well then, no remarriage for you. Sorry and all that."  29, no children, left for another.  How dare that man say that to me.  Where in the Book is that the unforgivable sin?

So I cancel out of the cruise and fly down to hear the better News.  Down South to the hot humid promises.

Loud AC hums as I get dressed, early morning to catch a bus, ride it alone to the coliseum (well of course there were other people on the bus-but not that I knew).  I join with roughly 2000 other seekers.  Why am I here?  File in, find a seat and sit.  A Bible lies on the seat next to me. 

Here comes the owner to claim his seat.  A Tulsa man, I like his hands.  Men and Women speak, songs are sung, offerings collected. Monday, Tuesday, each day of the week.  Was the News better?  I can't recall.

That Tulsa Man, he and I build the framework of a life together that week.  Engaged in the October chill.  We move me to Tulsa while most everyone else eats turkey in November.   Married in February, early Valentines. 

Here we are now.  Growth and regression, gain and loss, me cracking to be remade, him strong and steady.  2 boys grown in my tummy, 3 from afar.  They are, at times, quintuplets: 8,8,10,11,13.

This photo is almost a year old, the kiddos look different; the older folks are aging well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New eyes

112. a walk in the park
113. big catfish feeding in the river - boy delight

114. breastfeeding mamas
115. tree buds bursting lime green
116. spastic golden retrievers

I need eyes to see my life from an impoverished perspective; from poverty, loss, illness, refugee camp status, abandoned.  Then I would look with wonder at all that I have.

Is that truly what it would take?  How shaming.  I pray that naming my riches will give them solid edges.  To honor the many mothers of the world who find joy in the little that they have, I must see the joy in my bounty.

Replace this habit of doubt with one of thanksgiving, won't that clear my vision.  With the thanks of a child?  But isn't the Kingdom of Heaven for such as these?  So blessedly simply, it really does not need to be unraveled. 

If thankfulness precedes joy, and fullness of joy is the promise, joy in Him is our reward, don't I want to chase that daily?

117. Our missional group, aka: the group of folks from church that we are on mission with. An odd mix, like finding 'q's and 'z's and 'f's all in the same word.  God put us wonderfully together.

I pray that you go out with the Gospel of Peace on your feet today.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ideas for your week

107. butterflies - yellow, orange, black, purple/blue/black
108. wild onions under foot
109. woodpecker rhythm
110. Grandma's tea cups

Feed your body:
Salad ideas for lunch.

Lentil salad (a complete lunch with protein, and it's good!)
Cook up your lentils.  1 cup dry lentils in about 3 cups of water for about 20 minutes, until tender.  Drain.  Let cool.
To cool lentils add olive oil, chopped purple onion, chopped tomatoes.  Drizzle with red wine vinegar to taste, add salt and pepper.  Chill,  you and the lentils.  Serve by the scoop over a bed of lettuce.

Chicks love Apple
Leftover chicken.  I know, it's hard to have leftover chicken, you just have to plan.  When your teen makes a grab for that last piece of chicken, growl at him.
Remove meat from the bone.
Chop up an apple.
To a bed of lettuce add the chicken meat, chopped apple, raisins if you like them.   Dress with your favorite dressing, top with salt and pepper, or not.  Top with nuts, or not.  See how flexible I am?

Feed your brain:

The PBS series on the Amish consists of 6 YouTube videos, each about 10 minutes long.  It is really good.  I've always joked that I was meant to be Amish, without really knowing what I was talking about.  The family shown in these videos was inspiring to me.  You have to watch all 6 to see how God has really worked in their lives.  It's beautiful. 

Art time:

Paint with your toes.  Get big paper, or open up a cereal box all the way or other cardboard box.  Your kids will love this, so will you.  Do this outside near a hose, or in the bathroom for easy clean up.  Use washable paints, uh duh.

Free typing lessons online - especially for the kiddos:

111.  time to do things at a leisurely pace

Time is a gift I must allow my boys to devour at will as they apply themselves to a task, be it math, legos, puzzles, or getting that photo just right. 

Delicious, savory time, time well spent, invested time.  Chopped to bits in the traditional classroom time.

This weekend we took a Sunday drive on Saturday.  For dinner we found a funky outdoor cafe.  Here are some pics my boys took.  I love how they are experimenting with space and color.

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Prayers and thanks

Luke 10 vs. 27
The man answered " 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.' And, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' "

Who are your neighbors?  I've been reading books on Islam lately, trying to understand that neighbor group that numbers in the millions. 

Nine Parts of Desire by Geraldine Brooks is the book I've found to be the most insightful and helpful.   My cat, Bailey, would agree:

On my knees, trying to pray.  Cat purrs, rubs against me, Tender walks in "Watcha doin'?"  Trying to pray.  "'Bout what?"  Well, I just wondered if God had anything He wanted to tell me.  "Okay."  Out he goes, door left open. 

Try again, but I can't seem to pray over or through boy chatter in the house.  Why do I need quiet?  Lack of discipline, I guess.  No wonder God wakes me up in the dark house, all quiet hours to talk with Him.  I want to pray on the spot, anywhere and to listen.  I can't imagine Paul in prison having any quiet at all.

96. train horn blowing
97. honeysuckle
98. ripe mango
99. birds at the feeder
100. purple headed finch
101. watching boys watching birds

I've been remade, reborn in Him.  God looks at me and sees Himself man flesh perfection.  Why does my looking get so distorted?  Bifocals?  I look down and see what's earthly, look up and see distant Good?  When will my vision be clear, a Heavenly clear?  I want to see my kids with Jesus eyes.  They are in His image, as am I.  They should fill me with wonder more often. 

Slow down, wonder at my kids; they are worth my awe.

They sure know how to have fun!  
Out of order:
a. in the right line but in the wrong place
b. temporarily broken
c. as per the judge
d. all of the above

I continue on towards the fix= glue of counting gifts.

102. pink cake
103. clouds racing
104. girls collecting sow bugs "can we have yours?"
105. stream sounds
106. boys herding fish

Friday, March 18, 2011

Our Day

For music accompaniment I suggest you click on either the Coconut song, or Brother Iz singing Over the Rainbow.

All of what I've written has happened in the past few months, I am copying it from my journals; but today I'm putting right where it belongs, here.  Right here.  It has been a wonderful day!

My cat, Elliot, went missing last night.  He is about 15 years old, mostly deaf, old, older than his 15 years.  He went out last night and did  not come in.  Usually he goes out, lays on the trampoline for a while, then comes in.
This morning he was still gone.  Still gone at noon.  After lunch Number One went out to look in the culverts for him, and found him!  Now, from the culverts run tunnels, small tunnels; too small for my shoulders tunnels.  But Yo is small and he was up to the rescue - yeah, my shy boy animal lover had a rescue attempt today that was a success!  I'm so proud of him.
Elliot will only drink from the sink; he was very thirsty!  After food and libation he sacked out on Man's chair. 

After Rescue Elliot Mission 001, we headed to the park.  This park is an all wooden structure, built like a castle. 
This pic is not from today, today the sun is out, the park is packed with spring break kids, and it's hot, heavenly hot!  The park is twice as big as the pic makes it look.

88. our missional group
89. crumbs in the butter - how great to even have butter!
90. goodbye kisses through toothpaste
91. clear to the bottom river water
92. frizzy black spunky doo
93. sun fish flashing
94. cannon balls into the river

We met my beautiful friends A and M there, along with their broods.  After the park I took my boys to the river - that's how we role, get hot and sweaty, find a river!

Yeah, this is where we live.  I still consider myself a recovering Washingtonian; I have great pictures from Washington, I don't need to live there anymore. 

Psalm 19 vs 1-4
The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.

At about 5:00 we headed home for burritos - a food that all 7 of us love!

At the park I had a cookie conversation with my gal friends.  I'm posting a few favorites here for their benefits; you, dear reader are welcome to these as well.
I don't have pics right now.  For Lent we gave up sweet treats, so I'm not making cookies. 

95. cookies

No Bake Oatmeal Cookies
1/2 cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 Tbl. cocoa
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup nut butter
3 cups oatmeal
Melt butter in pan, add sugar, cocoa and milk.  Stir over med. heat.  When it starts to bubble stir and bubble for 1 minute.  Remove from heat, add vanilla and nut butter.
Stir in oatmeal.  Drop by spoonfuls onto wax paper.  Cool

Soda Cracker Cookies
Heat oven to 400
Cover cookie sheet with foil, and bring the foil up the edges.  Spray with cooking oil.  Cover foil with one layer of soda crackers, about 40 of them.  Boil 1 cup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, for 3 minutes, pour over crackers.  Put in the oven for about 5 minutes, until the cookies float.  Remove from oven, sprinkle chocolate chips or butterscotch chips over, use a cup or two.  Let the chips melt a bit, then spread them with a spatula.  Sprinkle with chopped nuts if you like.  When cool, cut into squares, or break.  Store in fridge.

This one's not a cookie, but it's a great cake for snacking on:

Oatmeal Cake
1 3/4 cups boiling water
1 1/2 cups quick cooking oats
1 3/4 cups flour - I use 1 cup unbleached white and 3/4 whole wheat
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
3/4 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
In small bowl mix boiling water and oats, stir with a fork.  Let sit.
Preheat oven to 350. Grease 9x13 pan
In large bowl mix butter and sugars.  Add eggs, beat well.  Add vanilla.
Add water and oat mixture, mix in.
Beat in the rest of the dry ingredients.

Bake 50 minutes

Topping (optional)
5 Tbl. butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup shredded coconut
3/4 cup chopped nuts
1 egg
5 Tbl. milk
Combine all ingredients.

Spread topping over hot cake.  Return to oven for 10 minutes.  Cool and eat!
Both of my Grandma's made this cake.  They were smart ladies and new what was good for me!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Room to grow

78. "I love you" in dry erase at my dinner spot - from Number One
79. cardinal boy birds all flashy red
80. cooing doves
81. daffodils pushing for sky
82. polliwogs
83. sons that say "thanks Mom"

With all that I have there is still the stuggle of want, holding onto anger like a cigarette smoker on death row.  If I let go the anger it feels like I'm condoning the behavior.  "Judgement is mine" not mine.  Holding onto anger towards a person is judgement, wanting to be punisher, as if my hurt can cause change in another; I am powerless. 

Anger changes me, only me.  Let go, look to God, find something, anything to be grateful for in that moment of pain.  That is not loss.

I can give and give and never come up empty.  I really can.  New song over old refrain "I just can't give any more of myself",  of course I can!  I am His, He fills me and it is limitless, overflowing fullness cut short only when I choose to stop naming the joy.

84. Man who comes home after work
85. God as conductor
86. little and big feet that fill those everywhere I look dirty socks
87. son with a fashion flare (he must get it from his Aunt TG!)

Proverbs 14 vs. 29 NLT
People with understanding control their anger;
a hot temper shows great foolishness.

Oh what a fool am I. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's raining boys

69. A woman undone, loved by Him, parenting boys; pointing her family towards Christ.

Boys everywhere.  Neighborhood of boy bearing mothers.  Where are the fathers?  Absenteeism is high on Liberty Street.  Boys vie for attention, a piece of the unknown.  Wanting words of approval, kindness; youngest just 3, eldest 17?  Each needing family, communion.  How can I meet each one where he's at?  Only by reaching out through Jesus will there be enough me to go around.

Fill boys up, send them home with bushels of kindness, leftover fish and loaves to see them through. 

Mama won't find me here says one.  Daddy's dead says another.  Look into their eyes, they are brave, so willing to bare soul to the white lady with the calico family.

1st Timothy 2:1 NLT
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

70. thank you for all of these boys
71. gift of boys willing to trust
72. a God who can love through me

God, keep my ugliness from them.  Let me point them to You; be a Bible open for them to read.  A peaceful home on this street where dads are absent and boyfriends are grumpy, and Grandma sends you outside 'till dark with a baggy of Fruit Loops for dinner and a can of Vienna weenies. 

73. spotting bunnies on our walk
74. books about raising deaf children - windows into a world I may never understand
75. audiologist and counselor willing to do a home visit; help us re-orbit our family to include hearing impairment
76. the memory of a big dog sitting on my feet, Buddy

77. hazelnut soy latte, a rare treat

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Glory Spout

What is the source of joy?  Has anyone ever been asked that question in a K-12 classroom?  Not me.  But isn't it of great importance?  More so than how can I fit into the system?

Joy comes from God, the source.  I'm made to glorify Him, worship Him, through joy in every circumstance.  As primary teacher/guide for our boys, my hope is to point them continually to Christ.  Opportunity provider, experience engineer, find what makes you happy, make it your career.  God gives us the desires in our heart.  He plants them there, for a purpose.  Find the spout where the glory comes out and revel in it, stay put, don't turn your back on it.  Is it a place?  It's a heart condition, brought on by God focus, awareness of His gifts, and the maximizing of the talents He gave to you, YOU, His love creation.

57. good night's rest
58. Man who builds things
59. dog prints

60. second hand stores
61. leaf tornado in a corner - wind trap
62. a Father who pursues me

Relentless in His pursuit, stretching me, stepping in front of my life time and again.  I am Elmer J. Fudd in my slowness, my desire to fully eradicate each rabbit from its hole, circling back, clarify, reiterate, dog with a bone; put down your gun Elmer and pick up faith, trust in things not seen. 

Psalm 51 vs. 8-11 NLT
Oh, give me back my joy again;
you have broken me-
now let me rejoice.
Don't keep looking at my sins.
Remove the stain of my guilt.
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit withing me.
Do not banish me from your presence,
and don't take your Holy Spirit from me.

63. When I can't see it, can't feel it, I will faith it and give thanks.  There is joy to be found.
64. winter branches dark with wet
65. mushrooms

66. first wild cherry blossoms of spring

67. violets, jonny jump ups, pansies - all those cute little faces
68. moss on rocks

Homeschool revelations

53. boys eager to plan and embark on a day of learning

Wake up, stretch, shed the nightmare of teaching regrets.  Lord let my years of struggle to feed the machine not have ruined your kids for this world.  Forgive my misguidance, shoving them down the path to materialism, far from you; their lives a contradiction between what we tell them on Sundays and what they get the rest of the week. 

He directs my path in all things.  Oh the epiphanies leaping from pages to shake my constructions, tear them down!  Didn't I always suspect this?  Learning should be fun!  We are children of our Creator, made to create in order to glorify Him.  Each one of us pre-programmed to learn; first by observing, then mimicking, next experimentation, then play with numbers and letters, create music, writing.  It's all so natural, not at all what schools would have us believe.

As I push from this cage and try my wings, I see that my kids already have wings.  What a thought!  Me born with wings then pushed, crammed, broken to fit into a cocoon, backwards decline.  My kids already get it, let me not take it from them.

Education issues raise ire amongst mothers like few other topics, except maybe natural childbirth.  We each defend our choices, framing our perceptions of outcome to support the picture.  I have boys in public schools and at home; my goal is to get each of them home.  I have a teaching degree and have been in the public school classroom as teacher and parent volunteer.  I can't list one benefit regarding the public school for my kids.  The only reason some of my kids are not at home is my fear of failure.  Five boys, one severely hearing impaired, language delays, stubborn imps; three I know I can school, but the other two?  Well that would take a miracle.  And right there is where God likes to step up to bat, He's a big God, and loves to come help when I finally reach the point of realizing I need Him.  I think that should be tatooed on Man's forhead; I'm sure I would be much better at remembering that nugget if it was before me all the time. 

So do I wait another year to bring them home?  Damage control in place I take up eraser and simply remove ugly bully marks, misinformation, conflicting values.  "Work together!"  "You're cheating!" but I thought you said work together?  Don't get too creative or smart because there's only a little room at the top.  Mediocrity is the key, let's bulk up the middle, dumb down the top, leave the bottom behind! 

54. water balloon fights on the trampoline
55. doves calling
56. cumulous clouds

Today's reality

Look and see what reality God planted me in; the garden of today, weeds and all.  When fire comes and destroys, heavy burden breaks, heart rendered in two; I hope not to be Naomi, basing my feelings, my reality on my circumstances.  Rather, I know God is good always.  I don't want to say "I have nothing" when my Ruth stands next to me.  God is good, He was not a better God yesterday, kinder God last June, more patient Father when I was but 3.  God is and was and always will be rock, unchanging.  He loves me to the fullest today, and tomorrow, in spite of myself. Can I stay the path?  Yes!  I shout in my sun bathed chair, dogs sleeping next to me, bird chatter in my ears, dinner in the making.  Ahhh, it's so easy now.

Try me God, dare I ask?  BUT wait until I'm ready.  Don't crush my world until you know I'll stand, don't hang heavy with sun fruit from my thin new branches; I fear they will break.

52. trees heavy with boys

Last week in review: book and food success

Our trip to the library, within walking distance of our home, sent me home with lemon cake. 

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake is our library club book this month; it is excellent.  A tale of a girl who tastes the emotions that go into food, from the happiness of a pasture-raised dairy cow, to the emptiness of her mother. 

Lemon Cake reflections.  Being aware of my cooking emotions.  What am I adding to dinner?  Sorrowful spaghetti, irritable enchiladas, chipper chicken?  Roast with a side of joy?  To have food, nourish my family, what a blessed gift.  I will slow down, cook with intention.  Choose joy as an appetizer. 

I wonder and guess at the emotional sides served up by cooks in my past.  Grandmothers, neither one especially happy or satisfied.  Mother, a mystery of sacrifice.  Ex-husband, sly tricks, doling out entrees to multiple women. 

I come back to self.  Serve up goodness, silly, smiles, patience and the greatest of these, Love.  I will choose more than ingredients, nourish more than bodies. 
46. good books
47. lemon cake smell and taste
48. music in unknown language
49. soft bed warm with flannel
50. my Creator waking me up in the dark hours, house sleeping, to talk with me? yes me, I matter to Him.
51. soup

Soup, I love soup; I serve it about once every 8 years.  Last week we had soup.  Soup?  How can something so full of good be reduced to doubt and distaste by my kids?  Same word, different tone, changes meaning completely.

I don't have a photo, but here's the recipe.  Customized for my family of 7, Good Soup:

1 lb. ground meat (turkey, beef, venison...)
1 lb. sausage
1 chopped yellow onion
2 smashed garlic cloves
1 can diced tomatoes with oregano and basil
3 cups of frozen green beans, broken into pieces
2 cups frozen corn
3 cups chopped cabbage
5 cups beef broth (I used Rachel Ray's)
2 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
1+ tsp salt
black pepper

Brown the meats, remove, cook the onion - add the garlic when onion is almost finished.  Add meat back in, along with the broth and all the vegis.  Bring to boil and simmer for about 15 minutes, until vegis are cooked.  Turn off heat, add vinegar, salt and pepper.

They all complained at the word soup, but we ate the whole pot!  Accompanied by:

Beer Bread
1 12 oz beer
3 cups self rising flour
2 Tbs. sugar

Stir together with a wooden spoon, pour into greased bread pan.  Pour 1/4 cup of melted butter over top if you like butter.
Cook at 350 for about 50 minutes.

Dessert incentive to eat all the soup:  Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie
2 1oz squares of semi-sweet baking chocolate
1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
8 oz Cool Whip
1 graham cracker crust

In large bowl melt chocolate in the microwave.  Add milk and peanut butter, stir well.  Fold in Cool Whip, dump into the crust, and freeze.  This needs to freeze at least all day, if not overnight.  Recipe courtesy of Borden.

No food pics, I was only thinking with my stomach.

52. winter in Texas