Sunday, January 29, 2012

not billy idol

The current topic at our church is idolatry.   One thing about our church is that our leadership does not strive to put frosting on everything.  The pastors teach right from The Word, and it's tough stuff sometimes.

Like when Matt said his greatest desire is for 3,000 of us to leave.  Leave to start 3,000 church plants.  Just like Jesus commands us to do.  Go. 

And the cool thing is that our church continues to grow.  Looking with world eyes you would think our church would shrink to nothing.  The coffee is not good, there are no pastries, and the message is hard to swallow many times.  But we are truth seekers aren't we?

When we choose Him, God puts His desires into our hearts so our heart desires are for the things of God.  Our only satisfaction will come from chasing hard after Him.  Hard!

So back to idols.  What's yours?

What do you pursue with more time and energy than you chase God?  God's first command in Exodus was for us to have no gods before Him, no idols. 

Do you seek comfort?  power? control?  good looks?  marriage? sex?

Most of us, even most of us Christians, have things we desire and seek after with more consuming passion than we seek our Creator. 

One of my idols is control.  Disorder frustrates and angers me at times.  Fear dominates my mind often.  Fear of poor health for my kids, fear of not living until my kids are grown.  I'm getting better at letting go.  Just having 5 kids does that to a point.  Selling and giving most of our stuff away to move overseas takes letting go.  But I still have fear.  Fear of flying, fear of pain

I need to trust in God and His sovereignty.  I know that all works together according to His perfect plan.  Even the pain, the loss, the tears.

Another thing that I seek is approval.  I want and need to believe in my heart that my King, the King of Kings approves of me, and that is enough. 

Uncover your gods, stop worshiping them, and ask Jesus to draw you to Himself.  That's where peace and joy are found, and those are desires of your heart.

Then go outside and be silly.  God likes silly, He invented it.

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