Wednesday, January 18, 2012

mission, not just a brand or a movie

Every believer is called to be missional

But what does that mean?  Is it just another buzz word, whatever that means...we can get so caught up in words that the definition and the arguments that ensue consume us

We can get so caught up in studying Christianity, in spending thousands of dollars, buying and reading hundreds of books, that we aren't even living the Christlike life.   But the answers are in the Word.   The commands are clear and apply to every believer.  We don't want to believe many of the commands, so we "study" and complicate things

Jesus taught blue collar workers, he lectured to crowds of hungry poor people, he met people where they lived, he touched lepers.  His crowds were not Ivy League upper crust dignitaries.  His words are not vague or confusing.

I like Pastor Rod's definition of missional on his blog, Kingdom Come. 

  • Missional Christianity is not tied to any age group or any particular style of doing church.
  • Missional Christianity is incarnational rather than attractional.
  • Missional Christianity sees evangelism as a part of the mission, not the entirety of the mission.
  • Missional Christianity sees making disciples as much more than getting people signed up for heaven.
  • Missional Christianity does not rely on strategic planning.
  • Missional Christianity does not rely on marketing.
  • Missional Christianity opposes a consumer mentality.
  • Missional Christianity believes in the sacredness of all of life (no sacred and secular parts).
  • Missional Christianity is culturally aware.
  • Missional Christianity seeks to serve rather than to be served.
  • Missional Christianity focuses on building the kingdom rather than on building a congregation or a denomination.
  • Missional Christianity does not seek power, wealth or popularity.
  • Missional Christianity takes discipleship seriously as essential for all followers of Christ rather than something optional for more advanced followers.
  • Missional Christianity believes that a congregation's job is to participate in God's mission in the world rather than to formulate their own mission and ask God to bless it.
  • Missional Christianity believes that God tends to work at the margins of society.
  • Missional Christianity believes that ministry should be concentrated at the margins of society.
  • Missional Christianity believes that God works most often through weakness, rather than through human power.
  • Missional Christianity believes that the gospel is good news to be proclaimed, rather than an "offer" to be marketed.
  • Missional Christianity believes that true holiness is the most powerful form of evangelism.
  • Missional Christianity realizes that there is no culture-free expression of the gospel.
  • Missional Christianity believes that the gospel is for all peoples, in every culture, at all times.
  • Missional Christianity believes that "epistemological humility" does not weaken the truth claims of Christianity.
Okay, that last one mystifies me, but I'm simple so I'm alright with that.  Maybe you get it and find it helpful.

That first point, "not tied to any age group"; so you mean my kids should be missional?  Yep.  What about the retired folks? Yep.  Check out this lady:

Sharing Love from South Asia on Vimeo.

God always blesses me in the library.  Yesterday He sent me home with a book titled "Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne.  This book is messing me up.  and i'm already pretty messed up for Jesus.

Shane quotes a friend as saying "I am surrounded by unbelieving activists and inactive believers".  Get that, read it again, it's good.  Believers should be activists!

Go Act Do

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