Tuesday, January 10, 2012

regrettable maintenance

Yesterday, while listening to the David Crowder Band sing that song, another line got stuck in  my head, this one about maintaining regrets

"I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about how You love me". 

That's silly, I thought, why would anyone maintain their regrets.  Sounds miserable.  Maintain them= feed them, ponder upon them, water them, keep them safe

Then last night I lay in bed thinking about past life choices that made the road to here harder, longer, more painful than it probably needed to be.  I thought about a group of friends and how we've grown in different directions and how sad that is.  I started to feel icky

God showed me what I was doing "hey you, you are maintaining your regrets!"  Stop that.  Now instead of thinking on those things think about My Love for you

Because when we make our focus His love for us, we don't have time to maintain (feed and water) our regrets, we can let them go. 

Hebrews 13:15 has some great advice ...let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegience to His name."  There it is again.  Give thanks, praise, focus on what He does for you in Love, and you will not have time to get caught up in regret.  

And it's a sacrifice of thanks.  Not just something to be done when it is convenient, but something to be done by giving up another thing.  Sacrifice your time spent regretting things and spend it on giving thanks - I love that!  I think joy can be found in that. 

My kids are so good at letting go, living in the moment, finding joy.

Don't feed regret today; instead give up a sacrifice of thanks.

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