The sorriest excuse I hear from "Christians" is that title statement. "I'm just not called to do that." How the church has made the people believe that this is a valid excuse for defying God's commands is a travesty.
How we can take the Word and twist the words and come out looking like the world, and not be scared about it - is beyond me.
We are called to fear The Lord. Most of us have forgotten, or decided to ignore that bit of advice. It means that we should fear breaking His commands, letting Him down, sinning against Him, more than we fear making others uncomfortable, loosing face with our friends, loosing our job due to our morality, losing our place in our world.
I hear the above excuse from parents regarding adoption, giving stuff away and moving overseas, staying at home and parenting my own kids, serving my husband, homeschooling.
Especially homeschooling. Wow, what a touchy subject that is. But if you are a Christ follower, and want your kids to have hearts consecrated to Him, then you can't really put them into public school. If a parent or parents truly have no other choice, then that parent better be on his/her knees begging for protection from all that is evil in the public school. And be prepared to fix what the school breaks. Sadly funny that we have a 'war against evil', yet we feed evil in our schools.
I'm reading a great book called What's so Great About Christianity, by Dinesh D'Souza. He talks about the public schooling sector, both grade schools and college. Dinesh uses facts and takes quotes from respectable sources. He is not scouring the trash to find some periodical with articles no one ever reads - he quotes lectures from Harvard, NY Times articles, etc.
"The strategy of (secular teachers) is not to argue with religious views or to prove them wrong. Rather, it is to subject them to such scorn that they are pushed outside the bounds of acceptable debate...Teachers can pressure students to abandon what their parents taught them simply by labeling those positions simplistic and unsophisticated."
Dinesh wraps up the chapter by stating "children spend the majority of their waking hours in school. Parents invest a good portion of their life savings in college education to entrust their offspring to people who are supposed to educate them. Isn't it wonderful that educators have figured out a way to make parents the instruments of their own undoing. Isn't it brilliant that they have persuaded Christian moms and dads to finance the destruction of their own beliefs and values?"
Read God's Word to find out just what you are expected to do as a Christian, then do it. Raise your kids to be bold for Jesus, teach them the Word, protect them from the world. Put the Kingdom first and everything else will be added to you. Put yourself first and you are in for a high temp. eternity with lots of irritating screaming and crying. That should scare you.
People ask us how we'll afford college for 5 boys. We won't. I don't expect God to want each of our boys to go to college. He has good plans for them, our job is to help them find God's plans and follow them. If college is in order then we'll seek out Christian colleges for our Christ chasing kids. And then they will go out into the world, sure and secure, confident in Him - not in their own strength or might.
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