Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What About Those Muslims

Does God really love them?  Yep, He does. 

9/11,  you remember....that September 11th?  I was on my way to work, in Seattle, at Boeing.  The radio beeped, that annoying public safety when that beep comes over the air my stomach falls

I arrived at work. They were sending us home, not sure if rumors of a plane heading for Seattle were true.  Boeing would be a pretty prime target, we thought at the time. 

I picked up Number One from his neighbor-hood caregiver.  She is Muslim.  She had her Koran out and was reading, she was crying, and praying.  My heart hurt for the pain and negativity that extremists of her religion were pulling over on her, a very good woman.  A woman to love.   Months later her house suddenly emptied.  She and her kids gone, disappeared.  We never knew what happened to her and her beautiful children.  I pray for her. 

God loves Muslims.  They are a powerful group of devout people, praying to our One True God, but they do not know Jesus, The Way.  In US prisons more prisoners convert to Islam than Christianity.  More young, black men convert to Islam than Christianity.  In Africa  Muslim charities are building orphanages, schools, mosques, more so than Christian charities are.  Think of the world that could come from Muslim Christians? 

Join me in prayer for our Muslim friends and neighbors, near and far. 

The greatest is LOVE, not pride, not fear, not hate. 

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