Ann at aholyexperience has a great post regarding the existence of good.
I tend to look at the bad, the evil, the lack and wonder "is there a God in all of this? and if there is, is He good?"
Ann poses the opposite question. "If there is no God then why is there any good?"
flowers blooming in the ghetto
fathers coming home to their family
sun sparkles on dew
If there is no God, where does all of the good come from?
Is the bad due to our lack of loving our neighbor? Could this bad be turned around if we would all just share?
Like Katie, a young woman I pray for and am inspired by:
There are two blogs about and by Katie Davis. One through her ministry, Amazima, the other under kisses from Katie, you can find these to the right.
Katie's book comes out in October, buy it, support her, share your wealth.
I was not raised with a sharing attitude. Not that my parents screwed me up in some way regarding this, rather I just don't think most parents set out with intention to teach their kids to love thy neighbor.
Intention. Everything we do is fed by our intent. If we go along without prayer and thought to this, we act selfishly. I see it in me, and I see it in my kids.
If I want selfless love to be the default for our children, I have to be intentional about it.
What is the most important thing I can teach my kids? Is it really the multiplication table? spelling?
Do I dare ask them to go without some extravagance so that we can financially support someone else? Maybe they would surprise me and make selfless choices if I presented them with such choices more often.
Hi Gretchen, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm enjoying your blog, too! I heard a story about Katie on NPR and have wanted to learn more ever since. Thank you for this video. I'm so convicted and inspired by this story. I appreciate you spurring me on through it. Blessings to you and your family.