Friday, May 6, 2011

Our hearts are where we put our money

What would you do with $20,000?  When people look at your life what will they assume your love is?

When we chose to adopt I know there were people who wondered at the expense.  Thought perhaps that the money could be better spent by giving it to a reputable charity, in Ethiopia, helping more kids.

The problem is too big for a fast fix; kids are aging out.  Kids who wait and wait and watch the babies go home with new families overflowing with love, and they wonder....why not me?

Do we leave all 153,000,000 orphaned children on a sinking ship

This little girl was waiting, wanting a family, when Brian was at the orphanage in 2009; she had her prayers answered last year.

Some may ask how God can allow this?  YOU are God's answer to this tragedy.  You.  If you can't adopt, then help someone who can.

How much does a new car cost?  a trip to Hawaii? a cruise? a boob job?  cosmetic dental work?

You may ask us adoptive parents why we didn't give the $15-30K to a charity?  How much have you given to charity?  Should I be held to some standard of accountability that you are not holding yourself to?  I must give $20,000, but you can buy a new car?

Have you ever asked the owner of a new car, or someone just back from an overseas vacation,  "Why didn't you donate all of that money to charity?"

Our adoption meant the world to our three, and it opened three beds at the orphanage. 

Why another country, why not adopt kids here at "home".  The world is my home.  There are kids in the USA in need of a forever family, if that's you, get busy.  We knew we needed to adopt desperate kids, kids who don't have medical care, dental care, food,  kids who are not safe.  For the most part in the USA the waiting children are fed, safe and healthy, there are exceptions, but as a rule these kids are cared for.  In our boys' orphanage there was not medical care, food or safety.  Sexual abuse is rampant, hunger is a daily struggle, parasites, dirty water, lack of hygeine...The orphanage is a step up from street life, but not by much.

Pics of the boys at the orphanage when  Man went to bring them home.
Orphanage skinny; too many parasites inside competing for the little nutrition he was given.

Showing off the new clothes and shoes Dad brought.

The shy has been replaced by Spunk!

And our 13 year old deaf son won't age out in Ethiopia to go live on the street next year.  And our grandchildren will have opportunities to give and grow and make a difference.

But first we must make a difference. 

Give until it hurts.

Would we do it again?  Yes!  Will we?  Stay tuned!

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