We are to walk humbly with our Creator.
What does that look like? Where does He walk?
Micah 6:8 messes with me, it's those tears again.
...O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what He requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
My heart just swells right up and pushes tears down my face. He requires these of us, His followers. These are not suggestions.
Do what is right.
Love Mercy. Mercy is not giving someone what they deserve. In other words, you not getting punished when you deserve it. I'm supposed to love mercy.
Then that last one, walk humbly with my God.
Where does He walk? Looking at Him in the New Testament it looks like He spent the bulk of his time with the poor, the hungry, the sick, the sinners, the lost, the meek, the working class folks.
So if I want to walk with Him, I need to go where He's at. Now of course He is everywhere. But I believe for me, my heart's desire is to walk with Him in the hard places.
He plants the desires in my heart, and unless I seek to satisfy those desires, I will be restless on this earth for my whole life.
I really love the above song. Be sure to pause my music stuff on the right, so you can enjoy Josh' song. I pulled it off the Livesay's blog - such cutting edge folks!
And a bit of art. It is all connected, as are we all connected.
So how can I sell it all and move across the world to care for strangers, to love them, to get dirty with them? BECAUSE they are my family.
We are so excited to be selling and giving it away. I can't explain it to most people, but we are totally at peace - more peaceful than ever before - and we are jumping into the unknown in faith. How awesome is He!
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