Our previous home was small and cozy; we all loved that house on acreage, privacy all around - no one to wake up if the trampoline craze struck the boys at 6am.
I miss the kitchen sink. Really. It faced the window, which faced the long winding driveway. As I stood doing dishes I could watch for Man to come down our drive, homestretch, me at the end.
In this house my back is to the window when I'm at the sink. I turn constantly to look out the window, wishing my man home. Like today, I know he's not on his way home at 2pm, but I turn and look just the same, every few minutes. Silly? Not at all. I'm crazy about my Man. There is no earthly being I would rather be with than my Man. I like to just say it: my Man, my Man....
Not many women can understand this, at least that is my assumption based upon overhearing conversations, observations, and being told on occasion that I need my "me time". What the heck is that? Me time? I never know how to respond to that unsolicited advice.
A few weeks ago a friend recommended a book to me (and to A); the book is called Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. Debi is a no nonsense gal! Wew, most ladies I know would soon be chucking this book. I like her! Of course it's easy to like an author who affirms your lifestyle and beliefs.
Debi tells me it's okay that I am crazy about my Man, that I stay home, that we homeschool, that I am 43 and my hair is long and getting longer!
God made me to be a help meet, to help meet needs. And He made me just right for my Man. My calling is to serve my husband, then my kids, then others. Not myself, not my girl friends. Serve. Now that's not a popular word coming from most wives, at least not in a nice way.
I find myself mostly satisfied when I meet the needs of my family. I have to admit the mostly part because at times I pitch a little fit. At times I do want kuddos, or praise, but then I just feel silly. I'm not perfect.
A merry heart is good medicine. It's good for me, my Man and my family. When I lose the merriment and get cranky no good comes of it. But when I choose joy, then I find joy. It's like faith, I can step out in faith and pretty soon I can see that the choice was lined up by God all along!
God stands with you when you stand by your man. Remember that when your man disappoints you next time. You serve God by serving the man He chose for you.
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