Tuesday, June 7, 2011

beauty; gifts innumerable

For ever since the world was created,
people have seen the earth and sky. 

Through everything God made,
they can clearly see his invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature. 

So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

Romans 1:20

I love that truth but shrink from it as well, depending on my mood (it's all about me...).  

His beauty is always there for the taking; I can dine at His table of goodness and beauty, or eat the scraps from the floor. 

To know me you would think I love floor scraps. 

To dine on beauty fills me up and what shines from me is then beautiful.  The hard truths of sin have me forever falling back to the floor, even when I can see what's at the table is better.  I want my kids to habitually choose the beauty gifts, yet they look to me.  At times, many times, I don't want that responsibility.  But there it is, in 5 shining faces. 

269. note in my inbox reminding me that I am not being graded; it's okay to aim for a C on some days.  And the reality is that i will fail.  It's the trying, the hope, the counting that draws me nearer to Him.

On June 25th won't you join our family along with others around the world in applauding His beautiful, innumerable gifts? 

Make a plan, get up early, spend the day marveling, go to a place where you can see the sunset, applaud Him.  The notion of this, the thought of people the world over and around joining in on a great wave of gratitude, the HOPE; brings tears. 

270. the courage of Gifted, when I look I see it there
271. chocolate goo smear on pink and brown cheeks, pink tongues reach to catch it all
272. my friends who set such humble examples for me; they are patient with my blundering

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