Sunday, April 1, 2012

when the love doesn't register

There are times when the love of my family, friends and my Savior escapes me.  It simply doesn't register within me.  As far back as I can remember this has been true of my life.  Perhaps it happens to everyone, or maybe just to a few of us.  But those times drop me hard and I struggle to find my footing, struggle to know I'm loved by anyone.

The pastor at church this morning spoke of being alone in a crowd.  Visiting my brother's church this morning I was blessed with a reminder that I'm not the only one who struggles to feel love on this spinning planet.  Pastor Mary wondered at Jesus' ride into town at the dawn of His last week.  Was He lonely?  The crowds gathered and pressed in close, but He knew what was coming.  He knew the destruction that would come to that city in coming decades, He knew of His own breaking to come and that many of these people would turn from Him.  Jesus knew Himself to be the answer, and that so many would not choose Him and find Peace.

Jesus is the answer in my times of empty.  But how to let Him fill me up.  How to get out of the way.  My friend A reminds me I'm His daughter, dearly loved, planned with a purpose from the beginning.  And she tells me I'm beautiful.   How undeserving I am of such a friend.  But she points me to Jesus.  When I can't hear Him, or see Him, I can call on my friend.  Thank you.

I am learning (slowly) to feel the moments.  The painful moments, and the joyful times.  Lean into the pain.  Grasp hold of joy and love when it's tangible and draw on your memories when the darkness presses in.

Moss in the damp woods on Orcas.

Sail boats heading out for a race.  This shot from the top of Turtleback Mountain on Orcas.

Such a creation this little frog.  Miracle of camo.

Starfish in shades of orange and purple were stuck the rocks.

Pretty big for a little crab.

The king and the wanderer.

This little seal was climbing up on the rocks and sliding down, he did it about 6 times. 

More later.  Off for a walk.

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