We are no longer Texans (not that we could truly lay claim to that title...my hat's not big enough).
Brian headed for St. Louis earlier in the week, the boys and I followed on the train and have now arrived.
This past week has been tough. Much to do, crazy things going on, trying to find homes for our pets.
Molly our old girl has a loving new home in St. Louis with friends of our bro and sis in law.
While in opening a new bank account a bank employee overheard of our plans and said she'd take a cat if we had one. Well, we did and now he's hers. At last check Butterscotch is the only child in a loving family and gets to sleep with his parents; they think his feistiness is adorable and don't mind the blood shed.
Riley had to be taken to a local shelter. We pray that his new owners will find him there. It broke my heart to not find him a home before we had to leave. Trusting in God on this one. (and of course all the others, you know what I mean)
Our most awesomest friends, N and A, were lifesavers these past few weeks. I am sure more folks would have helped us, but I just didn't have the energy to ask for help.
I learned a good lesson this past week. When you know someone needs help, just go and help them, don't make them call on you. God didn't just look down and say "hey, let me know if you want me to send some help", He just came, as Jesus and helped. Paul didn't write and ask if folks wanted him to send help, he just sent Timothy, knowing they would need help. My friend A gets this, she just shows up. And that's what we needed these past few weeks.
So if you need help I may just show up and insist. I've been there, now I get it. To ask is sometimes just too big a task.
Here are some pics of our train trip.
EQ watching a movie.
The crew on the upper level observation deck.
Scouting for zebra.
or maybe gazelle?
#1 - he will miss his Texan and Oregonian friends.
Just the carry on luggage.
Our mountain of luggage. You can't see it all. EQ trying to sleep. Our train got in an hour early, at 6:10am this morning. We are wupped.
More later!
Gretchen! You are on your way! So very proud of you and all you are doing. I can't wait to read more, and see how your family's adventure unfolds. We are all doing well, although very ready for spring. I'm sad to hear I missed you on your short visit to Seattle. If you ever are here again, give me a little notice and I'll come to you. Love to you all, Maya