Friday, March 9, 2012

what's it all for?

When people ask what we're doing with ourselves my response is usually that we are going to The Philippines to build a couple of schools and an orphanage. 
Why is it that the first words out of my mouth aren't that "we are going in obedience to Jesus".  It is the truth.  But I don't want to make people uncomfortable?  or look like a weirdo?  but we are already weird.
Around my right wrist these words are tattoed:
Love Came Down
The words are there to remind me everyday that God made a Plan, Jesus implemented the Plan, and the Holy Spirit in me allows me to comprehend that plan bit by bit. 
A post from my friend Kristen, already in the Islands with her family, re-iterated what I need to get my mind and mouth around.
To be reminded that this is all for the Gospel - the Message and the Messenger - that is timely and much needed.  I hear myself tell others that we are going to build schools, teach and serve.  To say "we are going to tell the Good News, the Best News, the only News Worth Telling!"  while it's true, it seems to slip to the back of my mouth. 
But I suspect that I need to get that right up front or I'll go a bit nuts with all of the poverty, messiness, uselessness I'm likely to see and feel.
There are teachers in the Philippines, and there are missionaries, they are not considered an unreached group of peoples.  Some of the people groups would be considered unreached - Muslim groups for example, and some least reached - The Ati people.  
We go to tell more people about Jesus, to show people Jesus, to encourage other believers, to disciple native Filipinos who are better able to reach their own than I will ever be.  To train up a generation of Filipino kids to be bold for Him.
And to teach English.  While that bit seems odd, it is true that English is the language of commerce, of science, of growth.  To break out of the cycle of poverty these kids need to know English 2nd, and Jesus 1st
If I forget my purpose according to God's perfect plan, I will be useless.  That is true wherever we are. 
Even in  the US our job is to point others to Him.  So I will practice the right response, even in discomfort.  And pray that by the time we are on the island I will have the Gospel Message on the tip of my tongue that I will not forget the Why, and the How.

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