Sunday, December 11, 2011

the Christmas push

The Goodfellows in Peru posted this video on their blog.   Sarah talks about how their family does Christmas differently from many families they know.  Ann at a holy experience wrote this week about how their Christmas looks different from other families. 

Funny how this has been on my heart and the heart of other moms around the world.  I told Man that I hope when we (if we) return from the Philippines, I want for us to make Christmas about Jesus

This morning Matt Carter, our senior pastor, talked about how he has struggled to unbrainwash his kids.  Kids connect Christmas with presents as soon as we teach them that truth.  Then some parents, like me, panic down the road and wonder what we've done.  Our kids miss Jesus.  They focus on the gifts; they've learned what we've taught them.

Ann Voskamp shares that it has been 10 years since there were gifts under their tree.  10 years of Christmas for Jesus!  In the days leading up to 12/25 her kids pour over catalogues for Compassion International, World Vision, Heifer International, etc.  They decide on what they will buy for whom this day.  Each day is a new gift in the Name of Jesus.  Chicks for a family in Kenya, a goat for a family in Guatemala, a rickshaw for a family in India.  No gifts under the tree.  I love that.  My heart yearns for such giving in my children. 

Don't get me wrong, we love gifts.  Grandma's love to give gifts, and we are blessed.  We may celebrate New Years with giving each other gifts for the new year.  But Christmas, it will be for Him

Christmas is about Jesus.  The Gift of gifts.  It is the beginning of the story of redemption from sin and death.  It is the pointing of our hearts to the cross, where God won!   Perfection paid the price for our sin, so that we can spend eternity in Heaven. 

I pray that you, too, will spend differently the resources entrusted to you. 

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