Thursday, July 14, 2011

Goin' on up to that school bus in the sky...

Thrills and chills and hundred dollar bills!  The fun, and the pain, of vacation.

We took in The City Museum in St. Louis.  Museum is not quite the right word for this place; I don't know what would be more appropriate, but "museum" kind of sounds old and boring - totally wrong regarding this place. 

Even getting there was fun.

Ahhh, the cars one can have when one does not have kids!

The school bus noted in the title.

There are two planes and you get  to go in them, if you can get to them!

Don't wear a dress, they all advised. 

Considering the rest of the place, that sign must be a joke, right?

Man, Grandpa K and Grandma K, along with Aunt K in the baleen and the scales of the sea room. 

Is that grin one of relief?

Man went all the way over. 

Are you sure I go this way? or is this one of those family reduction tricks?

The family went up, I stayed down. 

I want one of these concrete ellies in my garden. 

It's a praying mantis!

You can go into the bus.  I did not; I have vehicular vomiting issues. 

Another family reduction technique?

Into the whale's....butt?

Two men and a face stuck on a wall.  There's a joke there someplace...

And a rooster that never quits. 

STOP! In the Name of Love

The men claimed the need to go to the "computer" store after the museum.  Yeah, right. 

More fun to come!

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