Tuesday, May 14, 2013

catch up

It has been a month, a month of so much going on and so little time or energy to communicate.
I will wrap up the past 4 weeks with a string of photos. 


We left our home on Boracay for the last time.  

While our time on Boracay was not what we expected, the hurts not anticipated, trust broken, confusion in many areas...we do not regret coming to the Philippines.  The good far outweighs the bad.  

We left the Visayas on the 2Go boat, that is where you can see some of us sleeping in the above pictures.  The trip was about 10 hours.  We landed at Batangas on the island of Luzon.  We were promptly suckered in by a 'fixer' a guy who takes your money and walks away basically.  After a nerve wrecking van trip we did safely arrive in the city of Manila, a city of 12 million people.  


Folks have to sleep someplace.

We see this often in the Philippines, Mom or Dad working, kids playing alongside. 

Man mastered the LRT - light rail system of Manila.

It really was this fun!

Not our hotel.

Wew - not our hotel either.

More to come, this post is getting a bit long and I am hungry.

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